AIM Poland is on the ground in Warsaw, Poland supporting the immediate needs of people fleeing Ukraine in the wake of a massive humanitarian catastrophe.
As we helplessly watch the thousands of refugees from Ukraine come into Poland, Mantra Inspired Furniture’s Mennonite partner, Jonathan Miller, has family outside of Warsaw providing shelter and food everyday to the women and children looking for safety from their war torn country.
When asked how we can help, Jonathan provided the link to the non profit that is providing the much needed funds for food and necessities for these people who left with only a suitcase and children in their arms.
We are sharing this link with those of you that want to help the people like Jonathan’s family, who are “boots on the ground” helping those coming off the trains in Warsaw with no where to go.
All funds will be used in the care of refugees, either directly by Jonathan's family or by others that they work with.
Designate donations for Ukrainian Refugee Relief