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TIPS Awarded Vendor

Mantra Inspired Furniture is now an Awarded Vendor through the TIPS Purchasing Cooperative! As an Awarded Vendor, MantraIF offers TIPS members the opportunity to purchase products at discounted pricing without the delay and expense of going to bid. Through the TIPS program, MantraIF is able to save agencies both time and money, while delivering sustainable and long-lasting commercial furniture.

Sustainability Commitment

Mantra Inspired Furniture is a grassroots community of designers and makers propelled to create timeless, enduring, investment grade designs. Our strength lies in our abilities as an agile disrupter and our promise to Mother Earth to bring to the marketplace furniture that sequesters carbon and embraces the cyclical ability to repair, restore and renew. With enthusiasm and optimism, Mantra is dedicated to products made in America by American craftspeople. Mantra Inspired Furniture is doing authentic sustainability now.

What is TIPS?

The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) is a purchasing cooperative founded in 2002. As an awarded vendor, Mantra Inspired Furniture has met very strict competitive bidding process guidelines.

Having that stamp of approval, reinforces something we have known; we are here to serve our customers and offer a quality service.

Order Details

  • Email PO & Vendor Quote to: TIPSPO@TIPS-USA.COM

  • Purchase Orders Made Out To:

    • Mantra Inspired Furniture, c/o dealer, TIPS Contract #230301, 7420 Central Business Park Drive, Suite 4, Norfolk, VA 23513

    • or Authorized Dealer, TIPS Contract #230301, Dealer Address

  • PO must reference “TIPS Contract #230301

  • Attach PO as a PDF – only one PO (with quote) per attachment


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